What colours do Showshoes come in?
Snowshoes can come in any of the colours of the Siamese Cat. These include: Seal, Blue, Chocolate, Lilac, Red, Cream and Cinnamon. The coat patterns can vary from cat to cat, and no two Snowshoes are the same. Snowshoes can also come in Tortoiseshell, Tabby and Tortoiseshell Tabby. In Australia, Showshow Pedigrees with be classified as Pointed or Bicolour. In other words, a Pointed Snowshoe would be registered as Pointed Snowshoe. And any Snowshoe with White, regardless of how much, would be registed as a Bicolour.
Pointed Despite the name, not all Snowshoes have white feet. Snowshoes with no white are referred to as Pointed Snowshoes and they resemble the Siamese coat pattern.
Snowshoes with white are named based on the amount of white they have.
Mitted Mitted Snowshoes (also know as Low White) have white feet but no or vey little white on their face, generally on the chin. They may have white on the chest or tummy.
Classic Classic Snowshoes (also known as the Traditional) have white feet, the white inverted "V" on their face, chin, chest and tummy. The Classic pattern is what the Snowshoe has become famous for. However, due to the genetics involved, it is impossible to predict.
Bicolour Bicolour Snowshoes have up to one third of their body covered in white. They will have coloured ears, tail etc. but the white will often extend high up their legs.
Genetically, Seal is actually black. However, due to the himalayan gene, it appears as a deep, rich, dark brown.

Genetically, Blue is a dilute of Seal. It appears as a blue/grey.
Red and Cream
The Red colouring takes quite some time to fully develop. The Red gene is carried on the X chromosome, and for this reason, most reds are male. For a female to be red, it has to have two parents that carry the O (Orange/Red) gene. Cream is a dilute of the Red gene. The Red and Cream is very rare in the Snowshoe.

Tortoiseshell and Tortoiseshell Tabby
The Tortoiseshell is produced when the Red gene and the Seal (Black) gene are expressed at the same time. The mingling of the two colours varies from cat to cat. The dilute version of the Red/Seal Tortoiseshell is the Cream/Blue Tortoiseshell.
The Tortoiseshell Tabby is produced when the Tortoiseshell colouring is expressed with the Tabby gene. This is extremely rare in the Snowshoe breed.